sexta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2009

Bunalim - Bunalim (1970-1972 Turkish Psych Prog Rock)

ALTÍSSIMA RARIDADE!! HIGHT RARITY!! EXCELENTE BANDA PSICODÉLICA VINDA DA TURKIA!! OS MEMBROS ERAM "OS CARAS" DA CENA PSICODÉLICA TURCA!! O VOCALISTA AZIZ AZMET PARTICIPOU DA BANDA MOGOLLAR E O BATERISTA NIHAT OREREL PARTICIPOU DA BANDA DE ERKIN KORAY!! BUNALIM DUROU SÓ TRÊS ANOS E NOS DEIXOU SOMENTE ESTES SINGLES QUE CONSTA NO ALBUM!! O SOM CRU, DISTORCIDO, MALUCO E PSICODÉLICO DA DOS CARAS NÃO FOI BEM RECEBIDO NA TURKIA E POR ISSO ALGUMAS CANÇÕES FORAM MAIS ECONÔMICAS NAS DISTORÇÕES!! ESTAMOS DIANTE DA BANDA MAIS SUJA E PSICODÉLICA DO UNDERGROUND TURCO QUE FOI FORMADA EM 1969 E NÃO PODERIAM MESMO OBTER EXITO COMERCIAL!! PRIMEIRO PELO SOM OBSCURO!!! SEGUNDO PELAS SUAS ATITUDES INSANAS E SELVAGENS, COMO POR EXEMPLO, CORRER PELADOS PELA "ISTIKLAL STREET" COM LUZES PSICODÉLICAS, PINTANDO PAREDES COM PINTURAS MALUCAS E AOS GRITOS DE "LSD! LSD!"!! OS SHOWS AO VIVO DOS CARAS ERAM TOTALMENTE INSANOS!! A BANDA TERMINOU EM 1972!! EXCELENTE VENENO E DE EFEITO GARANTIDO!! VENENO TURCO RARO E ALTAMENTE RECOMENDADO PRA QUEM ENXERGA MUITO ALÉM DO HORIZONTE LIMITADO QUE O COMERCIALISMO NOS IMPÕE!! His is Turkey's most notorious and dirty psychedelic underground band. They were formed in 1969 with the aim of having underground music reach wider audiences. They couldn't succeed well as their approach was very much wilder and uncompromising than any of their peers at the time; God, they were crazy! Running all nude down the Istiklal Street, psychedelic light shows, crazy paintings all over the stage wall and screaming of "LSD! LSD!" in their live shows. "Tas var köpek yok" is their first single from 1969 when they were very raw in sound and the interrupting guy at the end of the song is none other than Cem Karaca who managed them at the time. Later on Bunalimlar went on to be a psychedelic hard rock band and disbanded by 1972. Their records are in "golden grail" status right now!!! G.A. In 1970 Grup Bunalim were one of the first bands being described as "underground". The style is very raw psychedelic compairing with other groups from those days. They recorded 6 singles, some under different names, like Aziz Azmet Mogollar's singer) or Rifat Öncel. "Along with Erkin Koray's Underground Quartet, Bunalim was the band that defined Turkish Underground music. They only cut three singles under heir own name, but also backed some of Turkey's top rock singers on their 'solo' recordings. Their legendary demos in English are lost. Their first single is garage-punk, their second is in a more Anatolian Rock style. "Bunalimlar, an awesome heavy-acid ethno-rock group, 1969-1972. Their eight tracks, all in Turkish, start off with a couple tunes that come on like a heavier, wilder version of the Creation or the Troggs! Then they shift gears, re-focus their lysgeric energy, and begin adding Turkish elements to their heavy rock. The complexities keep stacking up and interweaving until the songs start to resemble the prog-like approach of Mogollar. But with heavy-rock format intact: bass lines looping thickly, medieval organ tones, Floyd-ish guitar solos, high-energy rock being tugged eastward by melancholy Middle-Eastern melodies." After disbanding members of the band formed Ter, a (hard rock) band with Erkin Koray. 1. Basak Saclim 2. Hele Hele Gel 3. Bunalim 4. Tas Var Kopek Yok 5. Yollar Play 6. Yeter Artik Kadin 7. Bir Dunya Da Bana Ver 8. Kinali Gelin 9. Bir Yar Icin 10. Ask Senin Beldigin Gibi Degli 11. Ayrilik Olmassaydi 12. Guzel

Um comentário:

André disse...

Boa noite, Menegon ! Os links estão quebrados. Mas eu passei aqui mesmo para fazer uma sugestão: Moundrag. Venenasso! Veja performance no youtube kexp radio. Excelente ano novo !