THIS POISON WILL SUCK YOUR BRAIN!! Posthumous release of early 1970s recordings from obscure hardrock/prog band, from Ontario, Canada, with long tracks and lots of hammond/guitar interplay. Overall vibe ranges from Iron Butterfly drama to a more jammy Deep Purple/Captain Beyond style. (from Acid archives)
Larry Davis (drums)
Paul Hess (bass, vocals)
Mark Schuering (guitar, vocals)
Danny Hall (keyboards, vocals)
Terry Davis (bass, vocals)
Mike Rifle (keyboards, vocals)
1.Why Should I Care
2.Brain Suck
3.Goodbye Earth
4.We Wanna Be Free
5.I Wish I Knew My Name
6.The Other Side(Medley)
5 comentários:
The link don´t work
THx a lot
I love bands that have the Hammond organ. Thanks :)
Hey! Thanx a lot!!
Thank you. Nunca había escuchado este disco. FAbuloso, como todo lo que se pone en este maravilloso blog.
Thank you/ Good music!
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